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slp from Memphis on 9/10/2005 9:40:10 AM:
We would like to drive from Memphis to Rocheport and spend the night then ride the trail the next day to Hartsburg. Does anyone know of a shuttle that will take us from Hartsburg back to our car at Rocheport?


Rob from Liberty, MO on 9/10/2005 8:21:41 PM:
I would call or e-mail the Trailside Cafe and Bike shop at Rocheport or Hartsburg Cycle Depot at Hartsburg.



Ray (webmaster) on 9/11/2005 8:49:57 AM:
Also, here's a link to a list of Katy Trail shuttle services - you might want to call a few to check prices and availability.

gretchen from glen ellyn, il on 9/22/2005 7:16:51 AM:
I'm riding from St. Charles to Sedalia this Sunday-Thurs...anyone planning on being out there? Maybe we'll see each other!