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Tealwood from KCMO on 6/23/2006 3:52:45 PM:
How do you actually pronounce "Machens" ???

Ray (webmaster) on 6/23/2006 4:56:11 PM:
Rhymes with "stockins"

christoph machens from hildesheim/germany on 10/28/2006 2:16:27 PM:
yes, the accentuation is like "stockings". it´s absolutely wrong the pronounce it like scottish but with "ccchhhhh", ´cause it´s a rare but very typical german family name. originally it descends from a 1000 years old small village close to the city of hildesheim (the mayor is kurt machens)in the nothern part of germany, which is nowadays called "machtzum" (means: home of a guy named machtherr=lord with power). 1850 two brothers of the big family "machens" (400 in germany, 100 in u.s.) emigrated to the u.s. and founded the village "machens". However: Best regards there!

Christoph K. Machens from Siegburg, Germany on 11/11/2006 6:54:08 AM:
I have been to MACHENS, MO in 1985. It was a graet experience to be in a small town, called after your familiy. Many greetings to Machens, MO!!