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A Sweet Expression

138 1st St

A Sweet Expression is located on the Rock Island Trail, in Pleasant Hill MO

Directions: Located next to the corner of 1st St and 58 Hwy in historic downtown Pleasant Hill. Just a block off the trail.
Old fashioned ice cream and candy parlor.

Selling ice cream, candy, beverages and gift items, and food during special events.

Building is 150 years old, built in 1864
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Forum Discussions about A Sweet Expression

A Sweet Expression in Pleasant Hill
Anonymous on 12/14/2024 07:16 PM:
Is sweet expressions still open. I meed to stop in on Tuesday the q7th of December

A Sweet Expression in Pleasant Hill
Debbie Aiman from Pleasant Hill on 02/10/2022 10:16 PM:
I own A Sweet Expression and we have been at our current location for 13 years.During the winter we are opened 12 to 5. The rest of the year 12 to 6. During the Farmers Market, we are open 1 to 6 on Saturdays. We are closed Sundays and Monday's. Please correct this misinformation. We are NOT PERMANENTLY CLOSED. Gthank you. 816-405-7704

Ray (webmaster) on 02/11/2022 10:27 AM:
Thank you for the heads-up Debbie. Not sure where we got that information, but I have you set back to OPEN now.
Thanks again for passing along this info!
