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Town park

Main St. at Pettis

Town park is located on the Katy Trail, in Green Ridge MO

Directions: Main St (hwy 127) crosses at the trailhead; go N about 3 blocks to Pettis
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Forum Discussions about Town park

Town park in Green Ridge
Geared Up from Portland on 07/30/2023 02:20 PM:
Mona's Red Barn Cafe across the street has amazing food, and very friendly people. Definitely worth a stop.

Town park in Green Ridge
Anonymous on 05/28/2020 08:28 PM:
Is camping allowed in city park with proper social distancing?

Kim Henderson - Kim's Cabins from Windsor on 05/29/2020 06:56 AM:
I believe you could call Green Ridge City Hall and ask permission. I had folks tell me they called ahead last year and asked.

Town park in Green Ridge
bicycle Chris from USA on 02/26/2020 07:07 PM:
I do not know if it is posted anywhere; but I asked the local police a few years ago and they let me tent camp while riding along the trail
