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Report on Katy Trail Trail Conditions

Help fellow riders by sharing updates on current conditions.
  • You can report on an issue at a specific location, or on conditions along a section of trail.
  • You can report good conditions or bad conditions. Normally we would only ask for reporting of bad conditions, but as the Katy Trail recovers from flooding it is important to know what sections are open and ready for riding.
  • You can report by mile marker number, or by town.
  • click here for the current list of trail condition reports

Are you reporting on:
A specific location, such as bridge out, trail washout, tree blocking trail, etc
A section of the trail, for example the trail is flooded between two points, or the trail is in great shape between two towns
Date when conditions were observed:
Your Name:

This does not have to be your real name. It could be a "screen name", your initials, or just leave blank.
- OR -
Mile Marker number:
Issue at this location/section:
Tree/limb - complete blockage
Tree/limb - partial blockage
Bridge out
Trail washed out - complete
Trail washed out - partial
Trail under water
Trail excessively soft or muddy
For fully blocked / impassible trail, is there a detour?
Unknown or not applicable

  • Currently only the Katy Trail is supported. The Rock Island Trail will be added later.