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Mile Markers

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Kris from Indiana on 12/19/2005 10:30:06 AM:
Why do the mile markers start at 39 miles in St Charles. Is St Charles where the trailhead is, or is there another trail head?

By the way, great site.

Ray (webmaster) on 12/19/2005 10:39:13 AM:
The mile markers follow the numbering system that the railroad used, back when this route was an MKT rail line. So the actual numbering on the rail line started some 39 miles east of St Charles. Using the railroad mile numbers results in a slight mileage discrepancy, in places where the trail briefly leaves the old railroad route (in Rhineland and Sedalia).

Actually there are trailheads in almost every town in the map at the top of this page, plus a few others. St Charles has three trailheads (Greens Bottom, Page/364, and the main one in downtown St Charles). Click any town name in the map above, and you'll see the town's trailhead (if any) listed on the resulting page.

Glad you like the website!