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Trail Safety
 -  + I would like to do the trail and wonder if it is safe for two females do it on their own.
Discussion started 08/05/2005 09:52 AM by B - 6 replies (last reply by margie at 09/10/2005 11:41 PM)
B from Olathe, KS on 08/05/2005 09:52 AM
I would like to do the trail and wonder if it is safe for two females do it on their own.

John from Jefferson City on 08/05/2005 10:54 AM
I would opine 'yes'. Trained Katy Trail Volunteer Trail watchers ride the trail and help those who experience trouble (I am one). Cell phone service is available except under some clifts. Be prepared, carry water, snack food, tire and tube repairs and a pump.

Ray (webmaster) on 08/11/2005 01:15 AM
If crime is your concern... The only real "crime against persons" type incident that I've heard of was a guy who was relieved of his wallet somewhere on the trail in St Charles around 9 o'clock at night. This was back in June, I think. A couple things I will point about about this incident: it occured after dark, when the trail is officially closed. I don't know exactly where it occurred, but I would bet it was near downtown St Charles, where many people walk on the trail to get between their cars and the Main Street bars and restaurants, not to mention the casino.

I honestly believe your biggest threat when riding a bike, is automotive traffic. And that's one thing you don't have to worry about on the Katy Trail (other than the occasional road crossing).

Nails on 09/02/2005 12:38 PM
Statistically, I'd wager you're in more danger driving to the trail than using it.

Nancy from Kirkwood on 09/10/2005 07:34 AM
Stay out of Defiance. Can be bad.

Ray (webmaster) on 09/10/2005 07:05 PM
Have you heard of any incidents or felt threatened in any way in Defiance? I've never actually heard of anything bad happening there. Yes, the Harley guys do hang out there. But I've had beers at Terry & Kathy's on a couple of occasions, and have eaten dinner at Dave & Jaquie's, and never felt threatened nor even got any odd looks, even though I was dressed as a cyclist and most everyone else was in leather jackets. The attitude that I picked up on was a "do your own thing, live and let live" sort of feeling. I'm sure there are obnoxious drunks sometimes, but you'll find that at any bar in any town.

If you pass through Defiance and feel intimidated by the Harley crowd, just skip the bars there - nobody will bother you, or even notice you passing by. But be sure to visit Katy Bike Rentals, which backs up to the trail. They have snacks and drinks there. The proprietors, Todd & George, are a couple of the nicest guys you'll meet anywhere along the trail.

margie on 09/10/2005 11:41 PM
I've done it alone in 2003 (female and 50) and last year with my sister. Have never experienced any trouble what so ever besides an occasional flat tire. If you're doing it in the fall, you'll meet LOTS of nice bikers doing the same thing! Funny thing last year, we met bikers from quite a few assorted states doing the entire trail, but not a single MO biker (besides us).

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Trail Safety

Best view
 -  + My husband and I are only going to be riding the trail for a day or two on our way back from the Lake of the Ozarks. We'll be going the second week of October. For those of you who have traveled the...
Discussion started 09/05/2005 08:39 PM by Rebecca Everett - 8 replies (last reply by Savage24 at 09/09/2005 06:31 AM)
Rebecca Everett from Shawnee, KS on 09/05/2005 08:39 PM
My husband and I are only going to be riding the trail for a day or two on our way back from the Lake of the Ozarks. We'll be going the second week of October. For those of you who have traveled the whole trail, what would you say is the most beautiful area to ride (and the fairly easy since my husband is not a biker!)? What town would you suggest for our home base?



Trek Biker from St. Joseph on 09/06/2005 02:31 PM
It's all an easy ride, as the trail is what once was the MKT train bed.

Rocheport most always comes in as the favorite:

Subject: best segment for a one day ride

I'll be driving from K.C. to St. Louis next month. I'll have one full day to ride on the trail. Where I begin is open, however, it will need to be a round trip ride of about 60-80 miles. I'm looking for a segment of the trail that travels through less developed areas--preferably along the Missouri River. I would appreciate any suggestions.


- posted 8/17/2005 8:45:48 AM by rogead , Minneapolis Add Your Reply

>>>>> That's easy! Rocheport!

Rocheport to Hartsburg is 50 miles round trip, or ride on to North Jefferson for a 70 mile round trip.

Trail access at Rocheport is about 2 miles north of I-70. Many people feel the area around Rocheport is some of the most scenic of the trail.

- posted 8/18/2005 12:37:13 AM by savage24 , KC, MO Add Your Reply

>>>>> >>>>> I give a hearty second to Rocheport to Hartsburg. This is by far the most scenic portion of the trail.

- posted 8/18/2005 12:08:04 PM by trinjboro , Jonesboro, AR Add Your Reply

Russ & Cindy from Jeff City on 09/06/2005 10:11 PM
Hands down Rocheport. Great restaurants and BBs. Rocheport to Hartsburg and back is a nice ride.

JOHN from PLEASANT HILL on 09/07/2005 10:04 AM
I have ridden the entire trail at least 10 times and have found the route from Columbia to Rocheport to be the best scenery without a doubt. The trail hugs the river on one side and is shaded by majestic bluffs on the other. Lots of good places to eat in Rocheport. Home base can be Columbia (about 8 miles down the MKT spur to Katy) or Jefferson City where you can drive from many hotels to trail head just North of the river.

Rob S. from El Dorado Springs, MO on 09/07/2005 02:12 PM
I have to agree with the previous posts. Rocheport to Hartsburg is beautiful. The path is smooth and very level, so a beginner should be able to complete it with no problem. The bluffs, caves, Missouri river, old bridges, and beautiful foliage make this section a must see. Take your camera. Also, if you time it right, you can stop for lunch at Hartsburg and enjoy this laid-back Norman Rockwell type community. There is a very nice restaurant located in Hartsburg (I forget the name) that is comfortable and very affordable. I'm going with a group on Sept 30 - Oct. 1 to ride the trail and we will definitely ride that section.

Dale Nimmo from Springfield MO on 09/08/2005 02:56 PM
Rocheport once again

but I also like the area between Pilot Grove and Booneville, this is the area where the 'bluffs' begin to show themselves.

I also liked the section between Jefferson City and Tebbetts.

Awww , what the heck, I liked it all. It's all in the attitude with which you ride. Hope you enjoy it all as well.

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 09/08/2005 04:38 PM
I hear that....I don't of any trails that I've ridden that I didn't like. They all have their own character and can all be enjoyed for many redeeming qualities.

Rebecca from Shawnee, KS on 09/08/2005 07:43 PM
Thanks so much everybody! I've booked a place in Hartsburg and Rocheport! It should be a great trip.

Savage24 from KC, MO on 09/09/2005 06:31 AM
Rebecca, Please be aware that many of the businesses in Rocheport are closed on Mondays. The bike shop in Hartsburg is closed on Tue. & Wed. in October. Check the hours of the businesses on this website. I highly recommend Les Bourgeois Bistro in Rocheport!

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Best view

 -  + Does any one know of a bike shop or "tour company" that would organize and support a group for the whole trial? Thanks
Discussion started 08/29/2005 12:06 PM by Suzette - 2 replies (last reply by Suzette at 09/06/2005 05:13 PM)
Suzette from Edwards CO on 08/29/2005 12:06 PM
Does any one know of a bike shop or "tour company" that would organize and support a group for the whole trial? Thanks

Henry Curran from Columbia, MO on 08/29/2005 01:43 PM
Our tour company organizes self-guided cycling tours for end-to-end tours of the trail. Check our website www.independenttourist.com or contact me by e-mail or phone. Most of our customers are in small groups and our web pricing is based on 2 persons in a room but we create custom tours to meet the needs of our customers. Support includes luggage transfer, transport to the end (beginning) of the trail and more.

Good luck on planning the tour.

Suzette from Edwards on 09/06/2005 05:13 PM
Thank you Henry I will contact you as soon as I know the dates, how many people, etc...........S

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Rocheport - McBaine - Easley - Hartsburg
 -  + Our family rode these four check points recently and had a wonderful time. Food at the Cracked Crab and LeBourgeois in Rocheport was delicious, new services at McBaine over the years means we can hav...
Discussion started 09/06/2005 09:43 AM by Old Lady Biker - 0 replies
Old Lady Biker on 09/06/2005 09:43 AM
Our family rode these four check points recently and had a wonderful time. Food at the Cracked Crab and LeBourgeois in Rocheport was delicious, new services at McBaine over the years means we can have food at Lucy's, water and a bathroom plus information. New stop at Hunstdale is quite nice and a good addition and Dotty's in Hartsburg make this a place worth riding towards. One negative, we wanted to camp and stayed at Cooper's Landing, the book describes this place as eclectic, this is true and then some. The many rules given on their website might lead one to think this is a quiet campground with full services right on the trail, however, the rules about quiet and no drunkeness are not enforced, neither are the ones about no pets. There is only one available shower which is used by some of the locals, outdoor bathroom is a porta potty. Campsites are too close together and all share a common water faucet as well as common fire pits. The sites are difficult to get RV's into and out of and the main road is not in use during the live (loud) music which plays from early afternoon until past midnight. If you want a party this is the place, if you want some rest while bike riding choose another.

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Rocheport - McBaine - Easley - Hartsburg

Amoco (McKittrick)
Discussion started 09/04/2005 08:10 PM by JULIA - 0 replies
JULIA from HERMANN on 09/04/2005 08:10 PM

JULIA from HERMANN on 09/04/2005 08:10 PM

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Amoco (McKittrick)

Lack of Water
 -  + When will there be water fountains installed along the trail???? It is vital that there be water available to exercisers, particularly in high-trafficked areas, such as the St. Charles westbound secti...
Discussion started 04/23/2005 06:47 PM by Mel - 5 replies (last reply by Nails at 09/02/2005 12:34 PM)
Mel on 04/23/2005 06:47 PM
When will there be water fountains installed along the trail???? It is vital that there be water available to exercisers, particularly in high-trafficked areas, such as the St. Charles westbound section. I was out running on a very hot day recently, and the trail was packed with bikers, walkers and runners, but there was NO WATER available. In Columbia, the MKT trail (which conects with the Katy Trail), has half-mile mile markers, as well as drinking fountains spaced out along the route. I realize the Katy Trail is a state park, rather than a city one, however, I feel it is very irresponsible for the state to not provide proper drinking stops for users of the trail. The energy and money required to install at least a few fountains, spaced about 2 miles apart, are absolutely outweighed by the health risks involved in rigorous exercise in humid, hot Missouri weather, when water bottles run dry!!

savage24 from KC, MO on 04/24/2005 01:04 PM
Nails, I feel your pain! I've been trying to post a response, but I keep having to stop and count to 100!

Mel, I do think drinking fountains are a good idea for the trailheads that have water, though one can refill their water bottle from the tap at the sink. I think it is unrealistic to expect the state to provide drinking water at regular intervals on a 200+ mile trail. Despite your apparent views to the contrary, the state is not responsible for your personal hydration; plan accordingly.

Nails on 04/24/2005 07:22 PM
Glad I'm not alone in my thinking. I'd be careful about drinking water from a sink at a trailhead that doesn't have a drinking fountain. There may not be a drinking fountain because the water isn't potable.

Dan from the East from St. Peters, MO on 08/11/2005 02:10 PM
I agree that water is important. I'm a runner not a biker. I hope to have water available every 5 to 10 miles of some sort from say May to September. Water at every trailhead should be enough though. To carry enough water as a runner is hard but you have to plan it out. To run say 10, 15 or 20 miles to the trailhead and find no water can be a problem. For a biker not to carry enough water for the whole day seems like poor planning to me. I agree with the post on this page that talks about getting water from the sinks. I would think this would be pottable or marked if not. It may at least be well water which could be risky.

Mark of the Dalton Boys from Austin, TX./Columbia, MO. on 08/16/2005 09:35 AM
...Yeah, what "Nails" said....right on!! You get angel food cake and you won't or don't like it for lack of frosting. Jeez! Mark of the Datlon Boys

Nails on 09/02/2005 12:34 PM
Better yet, my mom's homemade buttercream frosting. Mmmmmmmm!

I run too. Unless it's a sanctioned event, on my long runs, I carry my own water. Yes, it's a pain with the CamelBack rubbing my shoulders for 20 miles, but that's the price you pay when you're not elligible for a Darwin Award.

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Lack of Water

Katy Trail to Downtown St Louis Directions
 -  + As a long time cyclist, and a long time Scout leader I would not under any conditions try to take a group of Scout cyclists on ANY of the routes suggested from the Katy trail to the Arch. Perhaps ar...
Discussion started 09/02/2005 11:12 AM by Alan Barker - 0 replies
Alan Barker from St. Peters on 09/02/2005 11:12 AM
As a long time cyclist, and a long time Scout leader I would not under any conditions try to take a group of Scout cyclists on ANY of the routes suggested from the Katy trail to the Arch. Perhaps arrange for a shuttle bus to meet you transport you and the Scouts to the arch, and bring you back.

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Katy Trail to Downtown St Louis Directions

Trail condition...what bike to ride?
 -  + My dad, brother, and I are going to be riding the Katy Trail in October. We will be doing the entire trail out and back in 8 days, so basically 450 miles or so. We have never been to the trail and a...
Discussion started 08/01/2005 12:54 PM by Jason - 7 replies (last reply by Mark of the Dalton Boys at 09/01/2005 02:30 PM)
Jason from Huntsville, AL on 08/01/2005 12:54 PM
My dad, brother, and I are going to be riding the Katy Trail in October. We will be doing the entire trail out and back in 8 days, so basically 450 miles or so. We have never been to the trail and are torn on whether or not to ride our road bikes or mountain bikes. We will have a full load on our bikes and are concerned about the packed limestone type trail. For those who have ridden long distances on the trail, what would you recommend? We could probably get 700 x 30c tires on our road bikes that would help a little. The mountain bikes are so much heavier but would probably offer a more comfortable ride. I ride a Fuji Finest AL road bike and it is not very forgiving on bumpy surfaces. Any info or help would be greatly appreciated as we try and decide what bikes to take on the trip. Thanks a million...really looking forward to the ride!

TM from Gunnison, CO on 08/02/2005 05:23 PM
We used our road bikes with some fatter tires and it worked quite well, personally being both a mountain and road biker, couldn't imagine using a Mt bike - the joy of this trail being flat a pretty smooth is being able to motor along when you feel like it - I tires we used were tires one might use on a cross bike - 700c x 35 Contenential 'City Grips' - you'll see a mix of both kind of bikes but even some of the hybrids - mt bike looking rigs - will have 700c wheel set - you just get further with each pedal stroke - so - personally the idea of using a mt bike on what I (and most riders from the middle of the CO rockies) consider a flat trail would make it more boring than it already threatens to be!

See how fat and knobby a tire you can fit on your road bike and have a blast - TM

Dale Nimmo from Springfield, MO on 08/05/2005 02:59 PM
I just finished a round trip on the KATY using a LeMonde road bike with 700 x 28. Had zero trouble with the bike. Carried rear packs of about 50lbs. Here's what I'd suggest....

The trail itself for the most part is hard pack, BUT, be careful!!! there are places particularly near dirt road crossings and such that are treacherous. The gravel is loose, coarse and sometimes deep enough to cause slippage. There are also 'fissures' (for lack of a better word) in the trail at times due to the natural movement of a packed trail, but also I think due to the extreme dryness. These fissures or cracks are EXTREMELY hazardous to just about any bike but more so for the 28 size tire. I was very very lucky. I only 'kissed' KATY one time and now i have a matching scar on my left shoulder to go with my existing right shoulder mark.

Due to the extreme heat I would recommend waiting if you can. But if you have to go be forewarned. CARRY WATER. A few of the T.H.'s do not have a water source and many of the services are closed for the summer do to the lack of activity. The trail is GREAT for the fall and spring seasons but you're basically on your own for the summer.

Now don't get me wrong....I LOVED the trail. Just be sure you carry a tire patch kit and perhaps an emergency first aid kit. You probably already do. I'm the only nutcase who would forget such things!

Feel free to email me anytime. Oh, one more thing...due to the slow traffic, they are 'maintaining' the trail....cutting branches, mowing, spraying, etc etc. sometimes the excess debris can be frustrating to manuver around and the leftover twigs and branches could cause a possible flat tire just as easily as a misplaced sharp rock.

I had a BLAST...hope you do too

savage24 from KC MO on 08/05/2005 11:55 PM
Jason, Being on the trail for 8 days in October, you will experience a lot of different weather conditions. I rode 4 days in Oct. 2000. It rained and was cool (60-65 degrees) the first day, then the weather got better each day after. Some freinds rode in Oct. 2001 and it was cold and rainy all week. The fall colors can be beautiful (usually at their peak the 2nd-3rd week, though it varies some from year to year), but be prepared for temps ranging from (at least) low 40's to mid 70's. Here is some October weather info for Jefferson City, MO:

Alex on 08/06/2005 03:18 PM
I rode the trail for the first time two weeks ago and loved it. My experience, though limited, would totally support what you've been told in the previous posts. I rode a Fuji Cross with 700 x 32 tires and thought they were about perfect for the trail. I would not want to ride a mountain bike, but I prefer a road bike set-up to begin with. I don't think you'll have any trouble at all with a tire that is 28-32. Have a blast!

MLH from Overland Park on 08/10/2005 12:39 PM
I have two Cannondales: an '05 Road Warrior 1000 lightweight hybrid and a '99 F900 hardtail MTB. I would put in a plug for using the MTB on the Katy. Use Continental Travelcontact 1.75 x 26 (measure 44mm),inflate to 55# and make certain your saddle is right for your anatomy. You may mount a rear rack as I have done and I have also found that a carbon fiber seatpost helps to reduce vibration (and some weight) although $$$. Also, gel handgrips, such as Specialized BG's help to reduce hand numbness. I don't find the set-up to be slow or difficult at all as I cruise along at about 15mph usually. Perhaps others wouldn't use their own MTB's of they are quite heavy but for lighter bikes such as Cannondales, Treks etc., I think the combination is more ideal for comfort, fewer punctures, less concern regarding rain, ruts, loose gravel etc.

Jason from Huntsville, AL on 08/30/2005 11:35 AM
Thanks for all the great info! I have decided to ride my road bike and go with probably 700 x 32CC tires. Thanks again!

Mark of the Dalton Boys from Austin, TX/Columbia, MO. on 09/01/2005 02:30 PM
When I did the KATY I took my hard-tail MTB, put large (26X1.95) city slickers on it, hooked up the BoB YaK and amazingly never got close to being bored, but then again I never signed on for anything other than a cruise. The bike I left at home was my Litespeed road bike because I didn't want pug surface up in my drivetrain. Regards......Mark of the Dalton Boys (Couldn't resist Webmeister please forgive).

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Trail condition...what bike to ride?

Katy Trail Mid October
 -  + My wife and I are planning to ride the Katy Trail (5 Days) in early to mid October. Two questions come to mind.
Is it getting too late in the season weatherwise and do we miss the FAll Color?
Discussion started 08/27/2005 03:49 PM by Paul Naftel - 1 reply (last reply by Trek Biker at 08/28/2005 12:14 PM)
Paul Naftel from Littleton, Colorado on 08/27/2005 03:49 PM
My wife and I are planning to ride the Katy Trail (5 Days) in early to mid October. Two questions come to mind.

Is it getting too late in the season weatherwise and do we miss the FAll Color?

Also, as we are unsure of the exact dates, will we need to make reservations at Band B's or is there plenty of accommodation without reservations?


Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 08/28/2005 12:14 PM
In the Fall...and most other times tooo.....the weather in MO can be unpredictable. October is a good time to ride though...nice cool weather along with Fall color. Weekends seem to book fast so my advice would be to use this site to check availability for those locations that you'd like to stay. Herman may be difficult as they seem to party the whole month of October. Below is from a previous post:

The peak for fall color varies for many reasons.....so the "best" time is sometimes difficult to determine. For the past two years, the second and third weeks in October have been very beautiful around Rocheport.

We rode the second weekend in Oct. last year and it could not have been a better time....also rode on Halloween day and most all of the leaves had fallen....still a very pretty ride tho.

The Missouri Department of Conservation tracks peak times throughout the state and is relatively accurate. Their web addy is: http://www.conservation.state.mo.us/

See ya on the trail!

- posted 6/4/2005 7:26:15 PM by Trek Biker , St. Joseph, MO

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Katy Trail Mid October

First trip
 -  + We are planning a one-day round trip out of Rocheport. Which way and how far should we go? Middle aged with teen-agers, haven't ridden a bike in years. Also, we will rent bikes, what should I consi...
Discussion started 08/25/2005 09:33 PM by Lori - 1 reply (last reply by frank at 08/26/2005 10:32 AM)
Lori from Springfield on 08/25/2005 09:33 PM
We are planning a one-day round trip out of Rocheport. Which way and how far should we go? Middle aged with teen-agers, haven't ridden a bike in years. Also, we will rent bikes, what should I consider in selecting one? Thank you.

frank from festus,mo on 08/26/2005 10:32 AM
hey there folks, i have rode from rocheport both east and west. my advice to ya'll would be go to the east. it is along the mo river for a ways, and i think just more beautiful over all. however, be sure and ride through the katy tunnel at rocheport, just west of the rest area. as far as bikes go, check with the trail side cafe at rocheport. give them a buzz couple days before you leave. they will be a major help to you. have fun and enjoy the trip.

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First trip

Stay in Hermann?
 -  + Are there any cheap motels in Hermann that a group of 5 riders could stay in? Also, I saw on another portion of this site that you can cross the bridge from McKittrick to Hermann and back with and es...
Discussion started 08/21/2005 12:21 AM by Jason - 2 replies (last reply by bikerLaura at 08/25/2005 10:08 PM)
Jason from St. Charles on 08/21/2005 12:21 AM
Are there any cheap motels in Hermann that a group of 5 riders could stay in? Also, I saw on another portion of this site that you can cross the bridge from McKittrick to Hermann and back with and escort van behind you to make crossing the bridge possible. Where do you have to go to arrange something like this? Thanks in advance!

Ray (webmaster) on 08/22/2005 01:00 PM
Hermann has tons of B&Bs but only one motel that I know of, the aptly named Hermann Motel: www.hermannmotel.com. The shuttles and bridge escorts are offered by some of the B&Bs, but I doubt that the motel offers such a service. I don't know how you could arrange one outside of being a guest at a B&B. Check out the Hermann page, in the right-hand column under lodging it lists which ones offer these services (to the best of my knowlege). Also, Meyers Hilltop Farm in McKittrick will drive their guests across the bridge.The other option for cheap lodging is camping: lots of campgrounds along the trail.

bikerLaura from Round Lake, IL on 08/25/2005 10:08 PM
I have a reservation at the Hermann Motel and was told the following from the owner about shuttle service: The motel

does not have a shuttle service, but here are two phone numbers to call; the Hermann Express (573-486-2877). They run Monday thru Friday 6a.m.-6p.m.. They do need to know 24 hours in advance. If you are coming in on Monday, they would need to know the Friday before. The other number is Hermann Ride, Rest & Go Shop (573-486-9170). I am not sure of their hours, but they are a bicycle shop. Sue (Hermann Motel)

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Stay in Hermann?

 -  + The bike stop in Defiance is a MUST stop. The owner is the must helpful person. They have most sports drinks and water and are open much earlier than anything else in town.
Discussion started 08/25/2005 08:52 AM by Bill - 0 replies
Bill from Lenexa, KS on 08/25/2005 08:52 AM
The bike stop in Defiance is a MUST stop. The owner is the must helpful person. They have most sports drinks and water and are open much earlier than anything else in town.

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Touring and Camping ?s
 -  + My sister and I were planning on biking from sedalia to st louis (I am planning 5 days of solid biking) this summer. I have gone on camping and biking trips before, but this will be the first time cam...
Discussion started 07/26/2005 04:30 AM - 4 replies (last reply by Jamie and Dan at 08/24/2005 11:16 AM)
Anonymous from Chicago on 07/26/2005 04:30 AM
My sister and I were planning on biking from sedalia to st louis (I am planning 5 days of solid biking) this summer. I have gone on camping and biking trips before, but this will be the first time camping while biking. Any thoughts on necessary equipment, safety while camping, stove and food recommendations (we are both veggies), etc? Thanks!

Ray (webmaster) on 07/26/2005 03:18 PM
A great resource for this is the Bicycle Touring 101 website: http://www.bicycletouring101.com/index.html - all of the topics you mentioned are covered in detail, plus many other topics related to bike touring. Check out the "Table of Contents" link in the wheel logo.

savage24 from KC MO on 08/20/2005 07:35 AM
Another great source of information & inspiration:


ET from columbia, MO on 08/21/2005 08:13 PM
You probably want to do some planning if you want vegetarian fare all along the way. We had a vegan on our last trip, and there was one time that the only thing we could find for him to eat was french fries! That was in Hartsburg, when only the Hitchin' Post was open. I do know that the Trailside Cafe in Rocheport has vegetarian fare, and of course many of the more full-range restaurants will have salads and other vegetarian options, but this is the Midwest, where even the vegetables are often cooked with meat!

Jamie and Dan from St Louis, MO on 08/24/2005 11:16 AM
When we camped and biked we basically used backpacking equipment. I think the lighter the better. You can get some great backpaking meal ideas by googling. These work great on a bike trip like this as well. You can always do foil packs with veggies if you have a campfire. This is delicious. If you are a vegetarian and not a vegan I don't think you will have too much trouble finding stuff to eat are restaurants along the way. Just like any restaurant there are always salad options etc that you can eat. Have fun on your trip.

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Touring and Camping ?s

Klondike Park (Augusta)
 -  + It's a very nice place to visit, be advised of rock slides. One happened within 300 feet of me!!!
Discussion started 08/22/2005 04:08 PM by ws - 0 replies
ws from St Charles on 08/22/2005 04:08 PM
It's a very nice place to visit, be advised of rock slides. One happened within 300 feet of me!!!

ws from St Charles on 08/22/2005 04:08 PM
It's a very nice place to visit, be advised of rock slides. One happened within 300 feet of me!!!

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Klondike Park (Augusta)

West to East or Vica Versa?
 -  + I am planning upon riding this trail in the next year or so and since I am coming from western Canada I would like some opinion on which end to start. Are there spots along the trail for my wife to me...
Discussion started 08/13/2005 01:41 AM by Derek Turvey - 2 replies (last reply by Rob at 08/19/2005 02:24 PM)
Derek Turvey from Kelowna B.C. on 08/13/2005 01:41 AM
I am planning upon riding this trail in the next year or so and since I am coming from western Canada I would like some opinion on which end to start. Are there spots along the trail for my wife to meet me in our 5th wheel? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thank-you. my e-mail is: dturvey@shaw.ca

Mark of the Dalton Boys from Austin, TX./Columbia, MO. on 08/16/2005 09:25 AM
Derek - Technically speaking its downhill from West to East on the Katy Trail. I got that information from the Missouri State Geological web site. The loss in elevation is in the neighborhood of 400-800 ft. so its not that noticeable. Many and plenty places for your wife to rendevous with your RV starting with Sedalia then to Boonville, Columbia, Jefferson City, Herman, and Marthasville. There are many other places that your wife may wish to visit even though you may not wish to necessarily rendevous there as you may not have attained your "mileage" for the day but those locations will have shopping etc. points of interest. I recommend doing the KATY in Spring, or Fall. Enjoy the Voyage...Mark of the Dalton Boys

Rob from Parker, CO on 08/19/2005 02:24 PM

My wife and I just finished a west to east trip of the whole trail on August 11. We went that direction on someone's advice, but I believe it would be fun in either direction. We were told that the prevailing winds are to the east, but we actually encountered some westerly winds along the river. They were actually nice cooling breezes. I'd say that doing it in either direction would be fun and rewarding. Your wife could meet you in the many towns the trail goes through along the way. We had a great time-hope you do too.



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West to East or Vica Versa?

Staying in Holts Summit
 -  + I'm planning a trip for late September and was considering staying in Jefferson City one night. I 'finally' got my new Katy Trail Guidebook and it mentions Holts Summit as an alternative. Has anyone s...
Discussion started 08/19/2005 08:16 AM by bikerLaura - 2 replies (last reply by Ray (webmaster) at 08/19/2005 09:53 AM)
bikerLaura from Round Lake, Il on 08/19/2005 08:16 AM
I'm planning a trip for late September and was considering staying in Jefferson City one night. I 'finally' got my new Katy Trail Guidebook and it mentions Holts Summit as an alternative. Has anyone stayed there? I like the fact that you can bike to the Best Value Inn. How far is it to get there and what is the trail/road like to get there?

Trek Biker from St. Joseph, MO on 08/19/2005 09:37 AM
Read the thread below:

Subject: summit plaza best value inn -- holts summit

I has some insight from others who have stayed there.

Ray (webmaster) on 08/19/2005 09:53 AM
I would not recommend riding your bike to Holts Summit. It's only 4 miles, but you would be riding on the shoulder of highway 54, a 4-lane interstate. I think the speed limit is 65 or 70 there. If you read the thread mentioned in the post above, you see that Best Value Inn offers a ride from the trailhead - the key thing is to let them know you need the shuttle at the time you make your reservations.

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