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School House B&B Inn, Rocheport MO
Kim's Cabins
Hermann Crown Suites
Katy Trail Cottage
The Farmhouse
Doll House B&B, Rhineland
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Merry House Inn
Brick Inn, Washington MO
Joey's Bird House, McKittrick MO
Vinchester Inn
Cycle Inn Hermann
Parkers Place, Jefferson City

Rock Island Trail and Katy Trail B&Bs

Some of Missouri's finest Bed and Breakfast Inns can be found on or near the Katy Trail. There are dozens to choose from, at locations all along the trail. Many offer special services; for example, some B&Bs that are not directly on the trail will pick up you and your bike at the trailhead.

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School House B&B Inn, Rocheport MO
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Kim's Cabins
Hermann Crown Suites
Katy Trail Cottage
The Farmhouse